Allen Alfapedia Energy 4Kids Syrup

₹ 101.00 incl tax

Indications- Alfapedia Energy syrup is recommended for Children to stimulate appetite, help with digestion, fight fatigue & tiredness.

Each 5 ml. Contains:
Avena Sativa Q 0.100 ml.
Gentiana Lutea Q 0.100 ml.
Alfalfa Q 0.100 ml.
Zingiber Ocinale Q 0.050 ml.
Hydrastis Canadensis Q 0.050 ml.
Calcarea Phosphorica 3x 0.050 gm.
Silicea 3x 0.050 gm.
In Honey Flavoured Syrup Base.

Dosage: One or Two teaspoonfuls after food thrice a day or as directed by the physician.

Use under medical supervision.