BERBERIS VULGARIS MOTHER TINCTURE Prepared from a plant, Berberis Vulgaris or Barberry has its action on mostly all the regions of the body, but its action is most appreciated for all sorts of kidney, liver and urinary tract ailments.
ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM Acid Phos is normally believed to be a severe or semi-severe remedy for the consequences of anguish and fatigue . In effect, the most typical aspect of the mentals of this homeopathic medication is a strange emotional detachment. Acid Phos is effective in people enduring the health conditions may experience loss of desire for food , coldness, an intense desire for succulent fruits or energizing fruit drinks, sweating , and the feeling of an overwhelming weight on their head and / or light-headedness occurring in the evenings following long hours of remaining standing or when they are walking. Practitioners of homeopathy prescribe the remedy Acid Phos. for children who grow up very rapidly and, thereby, often suffer from growing pains. In fact, this is an appropriate medication for treating growing pains as well as other types of pains .
Information about SBL Hydrastis Canadensis Mother Tincture Q HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS MOTHER TINCTURE A remedy prepared from the plant Golden Seal, simply known as Hydrastis is a very good remedy for complaints in all the various systems in the body. Nose Great remedy for thick, viscid secretions from the nose with acrid, burning discharge. Bloody discharge and ulceration of the septum of the nose, keeps on blowing nose constantly. Mouth Mouth is very flabby and shows imprints of the teeth. Tongue shows ulcers. Throat Throat is inflamed with pus formation, rawness and pain. Yellow mucus that goes down from the back of the nose; waking up the child. Useful for goiter during adolescence and pregnancy. Stomach Good remedy for weak digestion, ulcers and cancer of stomach. Excellent to treat gall bladder stones, jaundice, pain in liver region. Cannot eat bread or vegetables Gastritis Dull dragging in right groin with cutting sensation into right testicle Back Pain in the lower back region, needs to use arms to raise from siting position. Dull, heavy, dragging pain and stiffness Respiratory Good remedy for bronchitis in old people who are weak and enhausted, with yellow, thick expectoration. Frequent fainty spells, with cold sweat all over. Feels suffocating when lying on left side. Pain from chest to left shoulder. Female Good remedy for vaginal discharge after periods with excessive itching. Dose- 15 drops of Hydrastis Canadensis mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice each day for 3 months unless otherwise prescribed by the physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines. Side effects: None Precautions Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing. Similar drugs: Kali Bi, Conium
Information about Dr. Reckeweg Yohimbinum Mother Tincture Q YOHIMBINUM MOTHER TINCTURE This homeopathic remedy is prepared from the bark of the Coryanthe Yohimbe tree .It is best suited for the following indication Sexuality It is a Sexual stimulant.(aphrodisiac) Remedy to treat impotence. Produces long lasting erections in men In women it causes the milk to flow for breast feeding. Insomnia due to thoughts of whole past life. Bleeding piles Dose-15 drops of Yohimbinum mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice a day until symptoms disappear or as prescribed by physician. It can be taken along with allopathy medicines. Precautions Not to be given in complaints of abdominal organs. Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.
Information about SBL Chelidonium Majus Mother Tincture Q CHELIDONIUM MAJUS MOTHER TINCTURE This homeopathic remedy is prepared from flowering whole plant of the Chelidonium Majus plant. It is indicated for the following condition Stomach Hepatitis with jaundice Yellow coated tongue. Liver troubles during pregnancy Gall bladder- Gall stones Sharp pain at the right side of the back at lower tip of the bone. Excessive flatulence and bloated abdomen. Prefers hot food and drink Eating relieves temporarily Severe nausea and vomiting Constipation with sheep dung like small masses of stools. Respiratory Pneumonia of the lower part of right lung. Cough with phlegm that flies out from the mouth. Flapping of the sides of nose. Mind Weeping without cause Feels as if she has committed a crime without doing nothing. Dose- 15 drops of Chelodonium mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice each day for 3 months unless otherwise prescribed by the physician. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines. Precautions Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing. Side effects- none reported Similar drugs- Lycopodium, Bryonia