Properties FormDrops Weight75 (gms) Dimensions4 (cm) x 4 (cm) x 7.3 (cm) Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg R82 For external indications apply R82 topically to affliction several drops twice daily to condition. R82 is safe for external application even into children's ear with cottonswab (if no perforations of tympanic membrane). Internal application: 10 drops 3 times daily. If the dosage provokes extreme bowel cleansing or too loose stools have the patient back off of the dosage to 1 drop 3 times daily and build up the dosage gradually As a preventive use 5 drops every other day to prevent recurrence. In sensitiveness to alcohol use 10 drops in a glass of warm water. Let alcohol disperse for one minute. For children under 2 years old administer the drops externally into the belly button and let the child rub the remedy into the skin. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.
Properties FormDrops Weight69 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm) Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg R34 Sucklings and children at the growing age will be given, regularly once or twice a day 10-15 drops (for sucklings it will be best to mix with the normal milk-supply in the feeding bottle suitably shaken). In case of disorders, like rickets or other diseases of the bones, to the vitamins already taken one will add 4-6 times a day 10-15 drops in a little water before meals. Pains in the bones at night call for frequent doses; 10-15 drops every 1/4 hour. Dressings with Fuller's Earth or healing earth can be applied at the same time; as also with fistulae of the bones. The use of pork remains strictly prohibited. In case of difficult teething with children, 3-4 times daily by way of long-term cure; and, in case of sharp pain, every 10 minutes 8-10-15 drops in some water. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.
Also known as Silicea Ptk Properties FormTablet Weight80 (gms) Dimensions4 (cm) x 4 (cm) x 7.7 (cm) About Silicea Pentarkan For post-delivery conditions like loosening of skin Distention marks after child birth Downward displacement of organs Muscle weakness Hair and nail growth problems
Properties FormDrops Weight60 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm) INDICATIONS of ADEL 73 (MUCAN) For treatment of yeast, fungaland bacterial infections by promoting a healthy acid-base balance.