Properties FormSpray Weight120 (gms) Dimensions3.9 (cm) x 3.9 (cm) x 15.2 (cm) About Sept Aid Spray Bakson's Sept aid, a local antiseptic wash is a pump-action spray that helps remove dirt and grime from cuts and wounds and promotes healthy granulation with rapid healing through antiseptic as well as anti-inflammatory action of its natural ingredients especially Calendula and Echinacea. It is highly effective for healing: Minor cuts and scrapes. Burns and stings. Superficial eruptions with pus formation. Shallow ulcers on skin.
Properties FormTablet Ideal For Ingredient BaseHomeopathic FormShampoo Type Weight100 (gms) Dimensions4.9 (cm) x 4.5 (cm) x 7.3 (cm) Indications of Adven Rheumax Tablet : Rheumax Tablets are indicated in cases of rheumatism, osteoarthritis, sciatica and stiffness in different parts of body.
Properties FormOil Weight68 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 8.5 (cm)
Properties FormTablet Weight44 (gms) Dimensions3.8 (cm) x 3.8 (cm) x 9.4 (cm) About Rheumasaj Pills Rheuma-Saj tablets are the specialized homoeopathic fast relief formula. It effectively relieves neck, shoulder & back-pains.
Also known as Silicea Ptk Properties FormTablet Weight80 (gms) Dimensions4 (cm) x 4 (cm) x 7.7 (cm) About Silicea Pentarkan For post-delivery conditions like loosening of skin Distention marks after child birth Downward displacement of organs Muscle weakness Hair and nail growth problems