Allen Gynical Uterine Tonic

₹ 60.00 incl tax


Heavy irregular bleeding, with pain in the lower abdomen or back

Difficulty urinating and moving bowels, incontinence, backaches, bleeding between periods, chronics and abnormal bleeding.


Each 5ml. contains:
 Ashoka jonosia Q 0.01 ml.
Abroma augusta Q 0.05 ml.
 Aletris farinose Q 0.10 ml.
 Caulophyllum Q 0.10 ml.
 Hydrastis canadensis Q 0.050 ml.
 Pulsatilla Q 0.050 ml.
 Viburnum opulus Q 0.050 ml.
 Magnesia phosphorica 3x 0.050 gm.
 Nux vomica 2x 0.050 ml.
Helonias dioica Q 0.050 ml.
 Mercurius solubilis 3x 0.050ml
In Syrup & Sweetener Base.

Dosage- One or two teaspoonful after food thrice a day or as directed by the Physician.

Use under medical supervision.