Allen H.A.P Haemorrhoid Relief Cream

₹ 49.00 incl tax


H.A.P. Cream provides calm and soothing relief from Burning and Itching Pain

Swelling and discomfort associated with haemorrhoids and protect irritated tissue.


Each 5 gms. contains:
Aesculus hippocastanum Q 0.100 ml.
Aloe socotrina Q 0.025 ml.
Calendula officinalis Q 0.025 ml.
Collinsonia canadensis Q 0.025 ml.
Echinacea angustifolia Q 0.075 ml.
Hamamelis virginiana Q 0.100 ml.
Paeonia officinalisQ 0.025 ml.
Ratanhia Q 0.025 ml.
Thuja occidentalis Q 0.100 ml.
In Cream Base.

Dosage- Apply on affected area as needed, especially at night or after each bowel movement.

Use under medical supervision.