Asthiposhak’ the name itself reveals nourishment of asthi dhatu.
kukkutandatvak bhasma is a predigested form of natural calcium & other contents like asthisamhruta, etc. help convert this calcium into asthi (bony tissues).
Asthiposhak enhances asthidhatvagni & corrects asthidhatvagni mala vikruti, hence useful in hairloss & cracked nails. excellent use as a calcium supplement including pre & post menopausal period.
Old age & menopause related osteoporosis, non-healing fractures, calcium deficiency during pregnancy & lactation, hair fall, asthisousheeryajanya, sandhishoola, premature graying of hair.
Kukkutandatvak bhasma 100 mg, asthisamhruta 100 mg, arjuna 50 mg, shuddha, laksha 50 mg, amalaki 50 mg, ashwagandha 50 mg, guduchi 50 mg, shuddha, guggul 50 mg, bala 50 mg, babboola kwath q.s.
DOSAGES: 1-2 tablets twice or thrice a day with milk.
PACKING: 30 Tab.
Use under medical supervision.