BAKSON'S Tonsil Aid Paediatric Tablet

Manufacturer: Bakson Homeopathy
₹ 77.00 incl tax
Tonsil Aid is a combination of Mercurius bin iod. 6X, Kali. Mur. 6x, Belladona 6x, Baryta carbonica 12x and Ferrum phos. 6x. At the back of the throat, two masses of tissue called tonsils act as filters, trapping germs that could otherwise enter the airways and cause infection. They also produce antibodies to fight infection. But sometimes the tonsils themselves become infected. Overwhelmed by bacteria or viruses, they swell and become inflamed, a condition known as tonsillitis .
Tonsillitis is common, especially in children. The condition can occur occasionally or recur frequently.
Tonsil aid is a unique composition of very selective homeopathic medicines which are time tested, clinically tried and well-known for relieving:

Sore Throat

Directions of use:-
1 tablet 3 to 4 times a day.

Use under medical supervision.