Bgr-34 Tablet

₹ 374.00 incl tax
BGR-34 is scientifically proven Anti-diabetic formulation. It is 100% effective for sugar control. 

BGR-34 is enriched with 34 vital phytoconstituents and the most important constituents are listed below:-
1. Gudmar- Maintains after meal glucose levels
2. Vijaysar and Majeeth- Powerful antioxidant which prevents the oxidative damage
3. Daruharidra and Methika - Rich in micronutrients so improves health & functioning of pancreas and other vital organs
4. Giloy- Improves immunity

Benefits of BGR-34: 
Reduces chances of complications due to persistent high blood glucose levels and imparts a good quality life to patients with high blood sugar levels.

Regulates glucose homeostasis. 
Boosts immune system
Works as antioxidant
Use under Medical supervision