Dr. Reckeweg

Dr. Reckeweg R74 (Nocturn...

Properties FormDrops Weight69 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm) Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R74 Nocturnal enuresis, bladder weakness. Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr. Reckeweg R74 The remedies contained in this preparation bring about an improvement in nervous and debilitated constitutions. They also have an affinity to the motor nerves controlling the bladder functions. Calcium phosphoricum: Constitutionally indicated in the asthenic patient. Pulsatilla: Incontinence of urine, particularly in girls. Ferrum phosphoricum: Incontinence of urine, also during the day. Kalium phosphoricum: Nervous constitutions. General debility and weakness. Sepia: Specific affinity to the bladder sphincter (insufficiency of). Nocturnal enuresis during first sleep. Close relationship to sexual sphere. Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg R74 Nocturnal enuresis in small children: 8-10 drops of Dr. Reckeweg R74 in some water 3 times daily Reduce dosage after 2-3 weeks to twice daily The same regimen applies to older children, however increase the dosage to 10-15 drops Adults should be given 10-15 drops 3 times a day over a longer period of time Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

₹ 220.00 incl tax ₹ 204.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg R14 (Quieta)...

Also known as R 14 Properties FormDrops Weight69 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm) Indications of Dr. ReckewegR14 Insomnia and various disturbances of the sleep, superficial sleep, light sleep, sleeplessness, drowsiness in the morning, weariness during the day, vivacity in the evening. Nervous restlessness and over-excitement of the nervous system. Neurasthenia, consequences of mental conflicts of long duration. Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr. Reckeweg R14 Influences favourably the regularizing of disturbed sleep, and neurasthenic symptoms. Ammonium bromatum: Sedative. Avena sativa: General nervous weakness and sexual neurasthenia, consequences of mental overexertion. Convalescence. Sleeplessness in spite of lassitude. Chamomilla: Effective in overstimulated nervous system with hypersensitivity. Uneasy sleep. Eschscholzia: Sedative. Humulus lupulus: General nervous exhaustion, neurasthenia, hypochondria, sedative. Ignatia: Nervous exhaustion and irritability resulting from psychic afflictions of a depressing nature, following grief or worry. Egocentric solitude. Passiflora incarnata: Sedative. Unrest and irritability of the nervous system. Mental and physical vivacity when trying to sleep, full of ideas, disturbed non-refreshing sleep Valeriana: Light sleep, non-refreshing. Nervous weakness and restlessness. Zincum valerianicum: Insomnia with twitching in limbs, nightmares, restlessness of the legs. Dosage of Dr. ReckewegR14 In extreme nervous exhaustion and insomnia, 3 times a day 10-15 drops in some water, at night 20 drops in some sweetened water. In most cases general relief and a less agitated sleep follow after several days. Thereupon, 10-15 drops once or twice daily ought to suffice. However, Dr. ReckewegR14 acts differently on various individuals. Patients sensitive to medicine very often experience an aggravation, chiefly of insomnia. In such cases the dose should immediately be reduced to 5 drops 3 times a day, sometimes even less, even down to once only during the day (not recommended in the evening). Dosage should be adapted to the individual. In some cases, 20-30 drops 3 times a day may have to be taken to obtain any effect. However, before increasing the dose it would be advisable to observe the action of the medicine for several days. Regular treatment should be continued for a longer period of time even after complete recovery, at the rate of 10-15 drops taken in the evening. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

₹ 220.00 incl tax ₹ 204.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg R33 (Buforan...

Properties FormDrops Weight69 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm) Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R33 Epilepsy and epileptoid attacks, twitching muscles. Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr. Reckeweg R33 The ingredients form specific therapeutic antigens. Bufo: Specific remedy against epileptic fits and progressive weakness. Cuprum: Against all kinds of cramps, in the thighs for instance, and especially epileptic cramps. Cerebral congestion Pulsatilla: Promotes vicarious effects in general, in the sense that diseases stifled in the past are rediscovered as an effect of vicariation. Silicea: After-effects of the suppression of perspiration from the feet.Acts on the constitution. Zincum: Various beneficial effects in case of convulsion, brings out stifled diseases of the skin. Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg R33 Generally 2-3 times daily 10-15 drops in some water by way of a prolonged cure. Prior to attacks or aHer an attack administer 20 drops every ½ hour for two hours. After treatment over a period to three months the dosage may be reduced to 10-15 drops once a day. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

₹ 220.00 incl tax ₹ 204.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg R3 (Corvosan...

Also known as R 3, R03, R03 Properties FormDrops Weight69 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm) Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R3 Heart insufficiencies of a light to medium degree, with a tendency towards oedema. Myocardial weakness in cases of valvular heart diseases. Dilatations. Post-infectious myocardial weakness. Degenerative processes of the myocardium, coronary insufficiencies, cardiac infarction, functional irregularities, myo- and endocarditis, hypotonia. Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr. Reckeweg R3 Increases muscular strength of the heart, caused by the following group. Cactus: Oppression with symptoms of angina pectoris. Strong pulse, suffocation. Crataegus: Myodegeneratio cordis with cardiac weakness; enfeeblement of the heart during infectious diseases. Painful spasms; hypotension; tendency towards decompensation; functional irregularities. Digitalis: Heart failure with cardiac dilatation. Kalium carbonicum: Weakness of the heart and the cardiovascular system in endo-myocarditis. Sharp pain in the heart. Kalmia: Pains extending down left arm. Chronic heart weakness with difficult breathing. Acute and chronic endocarditis, following gout and rheumatism. Phosphorus: Heart palpitations mainly when resting on the left side, afflux of blood to the chest and suffocation, anguish. General nervous exhaustion and hypersensitivity. Scilla: Insufficiency of the cardiovascular system with dysrhythmia. Decompensation phenomenon. Spigelia: Strong and abnormal palpitation, low pulse, endo-myocarditis. Strophanthus: Fast acting heart tonic Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg R3 According to the weakness of the heart, 3 times daily 10-20-30 drops of Dr. Reckeweg R3 in some water, in the beginning of the treatment even 4-6 times daily. In case of strong tendency towards hydropsy, to be taken undiluted. Improvement should follow after several days only. If not, the dose should be increased, and reduced again after improvement to 20 drops, 3 times a day. Even after complete disappearance of the complaints a treatment of 10-15 drops 2-3 times a day should be continued for a longer period of time. Overdosing presents no danger. In acute weakness of the heart, every 15 to 30 minutes 10-20 drops. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

₹ 220.00 incl tax ₹ 204.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg Alfalfa Toni...

Properties FormSyrup Weight209 (gms) Dimensions5 (cm) x 5 (cm) x 13 (cm) Alfalfa Tonic A body building tonic for children, youth & elderly which stimulates appetite, improves digestion, assimilation & aids excretion. Wholesome nutrition & Growth promoter. Supplement during pregnancy and Lactation. Perfect tonic for nerves and Kidneys. Stress buster, corrects Anaemia. Healthy ageing. Composition Alfalfa Tonic: Alfalfa : Alfalfa favorably influences nutrition, evidenced in "toning up" the appetite and digestion resulting in greatly improved mental and physical vigor, with gain in weight. Avena sativa : Has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function. Best for debility, weakness after exhausting diseases. Useful in Sleeplessness. Hydrastis can: Weak muscular power, poor digestion, Easily tired Individuals, muscular pains in scalp and muscles of neck. Weak Digestion. Nux vom: It is frequently the first remedy, indicated after much dosing of medicines, into gain equilibrium of forces and reducing the chronic effects. Cinchona off: Debility, weakness from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, Slow digestion, hungry without appetite. Hungry longing for food, which lies undigested. Cinnamomum : Helpful in strains of loins or false step, that brings on a profuse flow of bright blood. Kalium ars: effective for curing all types of skin diseases. Acidum phos: In young people who grow rapidly, and who are overtaxed, mentally or physically. Mental exhaustion followed by physical weakness. Cramps in extremities. Ginseng Q: Backache, sciatica, weakness, stiffness in back, headache. Mag phos: Stress, Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Muscle spasms, migraine headaches, PMS ( pre menstrual) headaches, agitation, irritability, constipation, fatigue. Dosage/Directions Alfalfa Tonic: Adults: 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day before meals. Children: 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day before meals. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

₹ 265.00 incl tax ₹ 246.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg R40 (Diagluk...

Properties FormDrops Weight69 (gms) Dimensions3 (cm) x 3 (cm) x 9 (cm) Indications of Dr. Reckeweg R40 Diabetes, pernicious anaemia and phases of degeneration centred in the blood and glandular system, such as leucemia, anaemia, Iymphogranulomatosis, but specially diabetes. R40 lessens the secondary symptoms like: depression, agitation, flatulent sensations, lack of appetite, aggravation when the weather changes, thirst, itching etc. Mode of Action of Main Ingredients in Dr. ReckewegR40 In the insulin dependant diabetic a carefully measured reduction of the insulin units is possible after long continued administration of R40. Acidum phosphoricum: Thirst, sexual impotence, psychic depression. Arsenicum album: Unquenchable thirst, progressive exhaustion. Lycopodium: Remedy of the liver, flatulence, swelling sensation. Natrium sulfuricum: Remedy of the liver, specific action in case of aggravation in damp weather. Phaseolus nanus: Sugar in urine, irregular cardiac action. Secale cornutum: Thirst, prickles and paresthesia, longing for cold. Uranium nitricum: Specific in diabetes of varying genesis Dosage of Dr. Reckeweg R40 As prolonged cure, 3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals. After some improvement reduce the dose to twice daily. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.

₹ 220.00 incl tax ₹ 204.00 incl tax