Dr Willmar Schwabe Germany Enuroplant Drop

₹ 411.00 incl tax
Indication: Traditionally used for the treatment of bed-wetting (Enuresis nocturna) and complaints caused by irritations and inflammations of the urinary bladder.
Homeopathic remedy to relieve the symptoms of cystis related pain and frequent urination.
Composition: 100 g contain: Plantago major Q 20.0, Equisetum arv.Q 20.0, Belladonna 3x 10.0, Pulsatilla 3x 10.0, Excipients Q.S to 100.0, Alcohol 52.0% v/v.
Presentation: 20ml sealed bottle
Dosage: Adults: 10 -20 drops three times a day. Children and infants: 5 to 10 drops three times a day

Information for Registered medical practitioners only