Sucrafil Suspension Sugar Free

Sucralfate (500mg/5ml) Primary uses of : Intestinal ulcers, Stomach ulcers
₹ 370.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Sucrafil Suspension Do not take the Sucrafil Suspension Sugar Free at least 2 hours before or after taking other medicines. It may interact with these other medicines Take Sucrafil Suspension Sugar Free on an empty stomach, preferably 1 hour before a meal. Avoid taking antacids, before or after 30 minutes of taking a dose of Sucrafil Suspension Sugar Free. Notify your doctor if you have a kidney disorder, as it may put you at a greater risk of developing aluminum overload. Notify your doctor, if you are or planning to become pregnant.
Composition Sucralfate (500mg/5ml)
Side Effect Common Constipation.
How to works How Sucrafil Suspension works Sucrafil Suspension Sugar Free forms a coating over the ulcer or any other raw surface. This creates a physical barrier that protects the ulcer/raw surface from the gastric acid or any other injury, allowing it to heal.