Geofit Men Tablet are a Multivitamin group of Tablets specially designed for men fits and have several different nutritional and other benefits. The major active components of the Tablet are proteins, minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and other essential mineral, vitamins including A, D3, B1, B2, Folic acid, Biotin, Ascorbic acid etc. It also contains the some mount of natural antioxidants such as Lycopene and Lutein. It is known to be good for the health of the heart as it has various multivitamins such as B12, B6, and folic acid. Vitamins B complex which have a major role in carbohydrate metabolism and also aid in assimilation of proteins, fats into energy.
Vitamin C and E, iron and selenium enhance the immune system. Also, these vitamins provide an antioxidant activity to combat the effects of physical stress.
Geofit Men Tablet fights with free radicals, reduces oxidative stress and improves immunity.
Geofit Men Tablet is an ideal combination for Cardio-diabetic patients, Fatigue and Weakness.
Use under medical supervision