Metben Plus Tablet

Metformin (500mg) + Alpha Lipoic Acid (200mg) Primary uses of : Diabetes
Manufacturer: Icon Life Sciences
₹ 137.00 incl tax
Composition Metformin (500mg) + Alpha Lipoic Acid (200mg)
Potentially Unsafe With Alcohol
Side Effect Common Nausea, Altered taste, Loss of appetite, Diarrhoea, Stomach pain, Vertigo, Dizziness.
How to works How Metben Plus Tablet works Metben Plus Tablet is a combination of two medicines: Metformin and alpha lipoic acid which treat diabetic nerve disease. Metformin is a biguanide which decreases the production and absorption of sugar in your body, and allows better use of existing insulin. Alpha lipoic acid is a naturally occurring fatty acid which has a protective effect of brain and nerve tissue.