RKG Pharma

Klomin 50mg Tablet

Clomipramine (50mg) Primary uses of : Depression, Obsessive-compulsive disorder

₹ 0.00 incl tax

Lithon 300mg Tablet

Lithium (300mg) Primary uses of : Mania, Bipolar disoder

₹ 9.87 incl tax

Lithon 450mg Tablet SR

Lithium (450mg) Primary uses of : Mania, Bipolar disoder

₹ 29.51 incl tax

Navtil 5mg Tablet

Prochlorperazine (5mg) Primary uses of : Nausea, Vomiting, Vertigo

₹ 15.00 incl tax

NM 100mg Tablet

Nimesulide (100mg) Primary uses of : Pain relief, Fever

₹ 14.97 incl tax

Norsed 25mg Tablet

Nortriptyline (25mg) Primary uses of : Depression

₹ 0.00 incl tax