Sipra Remedies

Nidazole 500mg Infusion

Ornidazole (500mg/100ml) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections, Parasitic infections

₹ 35.00 incl tax

Nidazole 500mg Tablet

Ornidazole (500mg) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections, Parasitic infections

₹ 44.50 incl tax

Rabtul 20mg Tablet

Rabeprazole (20mg) Primary uses of : Acidity, Heartburn, Stomach ulcers

₹ 21.00 incl tax

Siflox 200mg Infusion

Ofloxacin (200mg/100ml) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections

₹ 88.00 incl tax

Siflox 200mg Tablet

Ofloxacin (200mg) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections

₹ 42.00 incl tax

Sipracillin-TZ 4gm/0.5gm ...

Piperacillin (4gm) + Tazobactum (0.5gm) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections

₹ 441.00 incl tax