Bigspas 50mg Injection

Camylofin (50mg) Primary uses of : Abdominal cramp
Manufacturer: Mankind Pharma Ltd
₹ 14.85 incl tax
Expert advice for Bigspas Injection Do consult your doctor before taking camylofin, if you have any of the following medical conditions: overactive thyroid (thyrotoxicosis), obstructive airway disease, fever, urine retention, or inflammation of intestine (ulcerative colitis). Tell your doctor before taking camylofin, if you are to undergo heart surgery. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. Exercise caution during treatment with camylofin if you are an elderly patient. Do not consume this drug if you are allergic to camylofin or any of its ingredients.
Composition Camylofin (50mg)
Side Effect Common Palpitations, Arrhythmia, Increased heart rate, Dry skin, Excessive thirst, Dryness in mouth, Photophobia, Reduced bronchial secretions, Slow heart rate, Flushing (sense of warmth in the face, ears, neck and trunk), Dilatation of pupil, Difficulty in urination, Loss of accommodation, Constipation.
How to works How Bigspas Injection works Camylofin belongs to a class of drugs called anti-muscarinics. It blocks the action of certain chemicals and enzymes thereby controlling muscle contractions leading to smooth muscle relaxation and reduced calcium.