Draminate 15.625mg/5ml Syrup

Dimenhydrinate (15.625mg/5ml) Primary uses of : Allergy symptoms, Motion sickness
Manufacturer: RPG Life Sciences Ltd
₹ 8.99 incl tax
Expert advice for Draminate Syrup Avoid driving or operating dangerous machinery as it may decrease alertness. Avoid consuming alcohol when taking the Draminate 15.625mg/5ml Syrup, as it may cause excessive sleepiness or drowsiness.
Composition Dimenhydrinate (15.625mg/5ml)
Potentially Unsafe With Alcohol
Side Effect Common Sleepiness.
How to works How Draminate Syrup works Draminate 15.625mg/5ml Syrup is an antihistaminic medication. It blocks the action of certain chemical messengers that are responsible for inflammation, congestion, itching, and other allergic reactions.