Fusirex 2% Cream

Fusidic Acid Topical (2% w/w) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections
₹ 88.50 incl tax
Expert advice for Fusirex Cream This medicine is only for external use. Always wash your hands before using this cream. Rub the medicine gently on the skin. If you use it on your face be careful to avoid your eyes. Always wash your hands before using eye drops. Do not wear any type of contact lenses while using eye drops. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. It should not take if patient is allergic to fusidic acid or any of its ingredients.
Composition Fusidic Acid Topical (2% w/w)
Side Effect Common Hormone imbalance, Allergic reaction, Slow growth in children and teenagers, Application site irritation, Application site reactions (burning, irritation, itching and redness), Blurred vision, Burning sensation, Itching, Dryness, Soreness, Tingling sensation.
How to works How Fusirex Cream works Fusirex 2% Cream is an antibiotic. It stops bacterial growth by inhibiting synthesis of essential proteins, required by bacteria to carry out vital functions.