Leoprime 7.5mg Tablet

Primaquine (7.5mg) Primary uses of : Malaria
Manufacturer: Leo Pharmaceuticals
₹ 38.10 incl tax
Expert advice for Leoprime Tablet You may undergo blood examinations particularly blood counts, hemoglobin determination during your treatment with primaquine. Inform your doctor if you are suffering from any of the following: heart disease, low potassium in the blood (hypokalemia) and/or low magnesium in the blood (hypomagnesemia). Do not take the given dose of primaquine for >14 days. Do not take along with drugs which are known to cause disordered electrical activity of heart (QT prolongation). Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding.
Composition Primaquine (7.5mg)
Side Effect Common Abdominal pain, Epigastric pain, Gastrointestinal discomfort, Vomiting, Nausea, Heartburn.
How to works How Leoprime Tablet works Leoprime 7.5mg Tablet is a an antiparasitic medication which treats malaria. It works by increasing the levels of haeme in the blood, a substance toxic to the malarial parasite. This kills the parasite and stops the infection from spreading.