Qron 20mg Injection

Iron Hydroxide Polymaltose (20mg) Primary uses of : Iron deficiency anemia, Anemia due to chronic kidney disease
₹ 199.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Qron Injection Tell your doctor if you have anaemia due to infection or malignancy or gastrointestinal ulceration, allergies, hepatic or liver insufficiency. Tell your doctor if you experience gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort, nausea while taking iron hydroxide polymaltose. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. Do not take if allergic to iron hydroxide polymaltose or any of its ingredients. Do not take if suffering from iron overload (e.g. haemochromatosis, haemosiderosis). Do not take if having disturbances in iron utilization (e.g. lead anaemia, sideroacrestic anaemia, and thalassemia). Do not take if suffering from anaemia not caused by iron deficiency (e.g. haemolytic anaemia). Do not consume if having megaloblastic anaemia due to Vitamin B 12 deficiency. Do not consume if receiving repeated blood transfusion.
Composition Iron Hydroxide Polymaltose (20mg)
Side Effect Common Nausea, Black/dark colored stools, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Injection site reactions (pain, swelling, redness).
How to works How Qron Injection works Qron 20mg Injection is an anti-anemic medication. It replenishes the iron stores in your body. Iron is vital for the formation of new red blood cells and hemoglobin, a substance that gives these cells the ability to transport oxygen.