Quinine Dihydrochloride 300mg Injection

Hydroquinone (300mg) Primary uses of : Melasma
Manufacturer: Merck Ltd
₹ 9.27 incl tax
Expert advice for Quinine Dihydrochloride Injection Please use hydroquinone products carefully. Its skin bleaching action may produce unwanted cosmetic effects if not used as directed.Use of sunscreen is a must while using hydroquinone. Avoid unnecessary sun exposures and cover the treated areas with clothing. Even minimal exposure to sunlight can reverse the bleaching effect of hydroquinone.Discontinue use and contact your doctor immediately if you develop allergic skin reaction or notice blue-black darkening of skin upon use of hydroquinone. Hydroquinone creams are meant for external use on the skin only. Immediately wash-off with water, if the cream gets into your eyes, nose, mouth, or on your lips.Do not use hydroquinone creams on broken, irritated or injured skin.Do not use hydroquinone creams with other creams that contain peroxides (hydrogen peroxide/benzoyl peroxide). This may produce a dark stain on your skin which can be removed by stopping the use of peroxides and washing with soap and water.Do not use hydroquinone creams with other creams that contain resorcinol, phenol, or salicylic acid unless advised by your doctor.Please check, if the hydroquinone cream contains sulfites. Such products may trigger allergic reactions in individuals with asthma.You may be advised by your doctor to perform a skin sensitivity test to avoid any allergic reaction.Do consult your doctor before using hydroquinone, if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding.
Composition Hydroquinone (300mg)
Side Effect Common Skin irritation, Allergic contact dermatitis.
How to works How Quinine Dihydrochloride Injection works Hydroquinone bleaches the skin by reducing the accumulation of skin pigment called melanin that causes darkening of skin. It interferes with the synthesis of melanin and hampers important processes within cells that produce melanin (melanocytes). The bleaching effect of hydroquinone is reversible (reversible depigmentation). .