Ringer Lactate IP Poly Infusion

Sodium Chloride (0.600gm), Sodium Lactate (0.320gm), Potassium Chloride (0.040gm), Calcium Chloride (0.027gm) Primary uses of : Short term fluid replacement after trauma, Potassium deficiency, Nutritional deficiencies
Manufacturer: Albert David Ltd
₹ 36.25 incl tax
Expert advice for Sodium Chloride Your electrolyte levels in blood and other parameters (such as blood pressure etc.) will be monitored regularly as you receive intravenous sodium chloride. Tell your doctor if you have disorders of the kidneys, lungs, problems of the heart related to impaired pumping of blood (congestive cardiac disorders), high blood pressure or pregnancy-related blood pressure problems (pre-eclampsia), fluid retention problems or swelling in hands, ankles or feet. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience any unwanted swelling, trouble in breathing, muscle cramps, and/or weakness, fits, nausea, vomiting or stomach pain. Tell your doctor if you are or planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. Do not take if you are allergic to sodium chloride or any of its ingredients. Do not give to patients with excess fluid or sodium in the space outside body cells (extracellular hyper hydration or hypervolemia). Do not give to patients with abnormally low levels of sodium or chloride in blood (hyponatremia, hypochloremia), fluid and sodium retention problems or edema (swelling). Do not give to patients with congestive heart failure (heart failure resulting in fluid build-up in lungs and other body tissues), severe liver and kidney functioning problems.
Composition Sodium Chloride (0.600gm), Sodium Lactate (0.320gm), Potassium Chloride (0.040gm), Calcium Chloride (0.027gm)
Side Effect Common Volume overload.
How to works How Ringer Lactate IP Poly Infusion works Sodium Chloride works by replacing fluid loss.