Soframax Cream

Neomycin Topical (NA) Primary uses of : Bacterial skin infections
Manufacturer: Leeford Healthcare Ltd
₹ 14.37 incl tax
Expert advice for Soframax Cream Avoid direct contact of cream/ ointment with your eyes. In case of direct contact, wash your eyes with water immediately and seek immediate medical attention. Inform your doctor if symptoms do not disappear after 7 days of use. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or are breastfeeding. Do not use if you are allergic to neomycin or any of its ingredients.
Composition Neomycin Topical (NA)
Side Effect Common Application site reactions (burning, irritation, itching and redness).
How to works How Soframax Cream works Soframax Cream is an antibiotic. It kills bacteria by inhibiting synthesis of essential proteins, required by bacteria to carry out vital functions.