Spasmopriv 200mg Capsule

Fenoverine (200mg) Primary uses of : Pain due to smooth muscle spasm
Manufacturer: Micro Labs Ltd
₹ 208.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Spasmopriv Capsule • Fenoverine should be taken with food. • Exercise caution if you are above 60 years or with multiple drug therapy. • Seek immediate medical attention if you experience unexplained muscular pain. • Fenoverine should not be given to patients allergic to fenoverine or any of its ingredients. • Fenoverine should not be given to patients with chronic liver disease or poor functioning of the kidney • Fenoverine should not be given to patients with history of hyperthermia (greatly increased body temperature) during or after anesthesia or physical effort. • Fenoverine should not be given to pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Composition Fenoverine (200mg)
Side Effect Common Slow heart rate, Flushing (sense of warmth in the face, ears, neck and trunk), Photophobia, Dilatation of pupil, Dryness in mouth, Palpitations, Constipation, Arrhythmia, Dry skin, Increased heart rate, Difficulty in urination, Excessive thirst, Loss of accommodation, Reduced bronchial secretions.
How to works How Spasmopriv Capsule works Fenoverine belongs to a class of drugs called antispasmodics. It relieves the symptoms by inhibiting the unusual stimulation of muscles cells that causes painful and unpleasant sensations.