Minmin Tonic

Manufacturer: RPG Life Sciences Ltd
₹ 129.00 incl tax

MinMin Tonic is the complete health tonic made with a 5-star formula which consists of Iron, Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins & Amino Acid.

Key benefits/uses of MinMin Tonic:
- Contains essential Iron which helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevents Iron deficiency and also used in the treatment of anaemia
- Works as a dietary supplement and helps in body growth
- Helps in fighting anaemia, general weakness in growing children, and anorexia
A complete health tonic helps in increasing haemoglobin level, improving physical capacity & work performance while reducing anxiety & depression
Also helps in producing energy for better functionality of the body

Direction for use/Dosage:
For adult: 5ml twice daily following meals
For children: As directed by the physician

- Iron deficiency anaemia due to chronic blood loss, hookworm infestations, inadequate intake of Iron, anaemia in pregnancy and lactation period, general debility and convalescence states, post-surgical and post-traumatic conditions

Storage instructions:
- Store in a cool and dry place
- Protect from light

Safety information:
- Read the label carefully before use
- Keep out of the reach and sight of children
- Use under medical supervision