Clamin 600mg Injection

Clindamycin (600mg) Primary uses of : Bacterial infections
Manufacturer: Neon Laboratories Ltd
₹ 180.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Clamin Injection If you get diarrhea that is watery or bloody, stop using this medicine and call your doctor. If you are taking birth control pills while taking clindamycin take a secondary measure of birth control. Please consult your doctor regarding the same. Consult your doctor if you have or have ever had asthma, allergies, eczema (sensitive skin that often becomes itchy or irritated) or kidney or liver disease. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are breast-feeding, if you become pregnant while taking clindamycin, call your doctor.
Composition Clindamycin (600mg)
Side Effect Common Vomiting, Stomach pain, Nausea, Diarrhoea, Abnormal liver function tests.
How to works How Clamin Injection works Clamin 600mg Injection is an antibiotic. It works by preventing synthesis of essential proteins required by bacteria to carry out vital functions. Thus, it stops the bacteria from growing, and prevents the infection from spreading.