Nirzolid Infusion

Linezolid (2mg/ml) Primary uses of : Serious bacterial infections
Manufacturer: Nirlife Healthcare
₹ 210.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Nirzolid Infusion Your doctor has prescribed Nirzolid Infusion to cure your infection and improve symptoms. It is better to take with food to avoid an upset stomach. Do not skip any doses and finish the full course of treatment even if you feel better. Notify your doctor if you're taking depression medications before you start taking Nirzolid Infusion. Avoid high amounts of cheese, alcohol, or soy sauce when taking Nirzolid Infusion because it can raise your blood pressure to a dangerous level.
Composition Linezolid (2mg/ml)
Side Effect Common Diarrhoea, Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Anemia (low number of red blood cells).
How to works How Nirzolid Infusion works Nirzolid Infusion is an antibiotic. It stops the bacterial growth by inhibiting synthesis of essential proteins, which are required by bacteria to carry out vital functions.