Ostygen Capsule is a rich source of natural organic calcium with a higher bioavailability and assimilation rate. Ostygen Capsule contains Asthishrinkhala (Cissus quadrangularis), Pravala (Organic salt of Calcium), Laksha (Cateria lacca), Gandha taila (Yoga).
It provides calcium, vitamin C, carotene A, thus preventing osteoporosis and maintaining bone strength. In addition, it controls bone depletion in perimenopausal, menopausal conditions and in old age. It also acts as anti oxidant.
Ostygen Capsule are recommended in:
Osteo-arthritis and other bone disorders, calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, pregnancy and lactation, calcium supplement for peri post menopause.
Direction for use:
1-2 Capsules, twice daily or as directed by your physician.
Use under medical supervision.