Planet Ayurveda Radiant Skin Hair Nails Capsule

Manufacturer: Planet Ayurveda
₹ 0.00 incl tax
Planet Ayurveda's Radiant skin hair nail formula contains Manjistha, Pit Papda, Chirata, Ghrit Kumari . Planet Ayurveda's Radiant skin hair nail formula capsule is a very effective nutraceutical preparation that helps in maintaining healthy skin, hair as well as nails.
Benefits of Planet Ayurveda's Radiant skin hair nail formula capsules:
Manjistha: It is a well-known plant in the world of Ayurveda. Manjistha is a very effective herb that has been grouped under the varnya group (Enhance skin complexion) of plants mentioned in Ayurveda.
Pit Papda: It is considered to be great for maintaining a glowing and even skin complexion.
Chirata: It is great in supporting a healthy skin and body.
Ghrit Kumari: The leaves are usually dark green in color. It is highly rich in many micronutrients, vitamins, and many plant biochemicals.

Directions of use:
Consume 1-2 capsules twice daily, with plain water or as directed by the Physician.

Use under medical supervision