Planet Ayurveda Stholyantak Churna

Manufacturer: Planet Ayurveda
₹ 405.00 incl tax
Planet Ayurveda Stholyantak Churna contains Mustak, Chirbilva, Balbach, Babool, Ashok, Triphala, Arjuna, Jamun, Vidang etc. Planet Ayurveda Stholyantak Churna is a unique blend of various, rare, weight-loss herbs which help in reducing extra fat from your body.
Benefits of Planet Ayurveda Stholyantak Churna:
This special herbal powder helps detoxify the digestive system. 
It helps in reducing fatty deposits, regulates the metabolism and improves the blood circulation.
This special herbal formula helps to reduce weight naturally and without any side effects. 
It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and is a rich combination of rejuvenating herbs. 
It shows excellent results in combating obesity.
Directions of use:
Patients are advised to take 1-22 teaspoonfuls of Stholyantak Churna, three times in a day or as directed by the Physician. This powder must be taken only after meals and should be taken with plain water only. The patient is requested not to exceed the recommended dosage.
Use under medical supervision.