Properties FormTablet Weight51 (gms) Dimensions4.5 (cm) x 4.5 (cm) x 6.5 (cm) About Serpina Tablet Anti-hypertensive: Serpina is a single-ingredient formulation for the management of mild to moderate hypertension. The drug depletes peripheral catecholamine (noradrenaline) stores, which results in a reduction of blood pressure. Serpina decreases the adrenergic tone and controls anxiety, and is therefore beneficial in the treatment of anxiety disorders as well. Good to know: Serpina is the world's first natural anti-hypertensive drug. It is also the first drug to be launched by The Himalaya Drug Company in 1934. Serpina is credited with several research papers and clinical trials conducted over the past eighty years. Indications: Mild to moderate hypertension Key ingredients: Rauwolfia (Sarpagandha): is a pungent smelling herb, which is a potent anti-hypertensive. Its Sanskrit name, Sarpagandha, literally translates to 'smells like a serpent'. Reserpine, an active compound found in Rauwolfia, renders the herb its antihypertensive property. Its anti-hypertensive activity is attributed to a decrease in peripheral resistance and the resulting decrease in cardiac output. Side effects: Serpina is not known to have any side effects. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.