Products tagged with 'cholestatic liver diseases'

Ulyses 300mg Tablet

Ursodeoxycholic Acid / Ursodiol (300mg) Primary uses of : Gallbladder stones, Cholestatic liver diseases

₹ 260.50 incl tax

Ulyses 75mg Tablet

Ursodeoxycholic Acid / Ursodiol (75mg) Primary uses of : Gallbladder stones, Cholestatic liver diseases

₹ 117.50 incl tax

Ulyses Plus Tablet

Silymarin is an active principle obtained from milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum) . It might protect liver cells from toxic chemicals and drugs. It also seems to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Milk thistle plant extract might enhance the effects of estrogen..

₹ 337.00 incl tax

Urdiogem 150mg Tablet

Ursodeoxycholic Acid / Ursodiol (150mg) Primary uses of : Gallbladder stones, Cholestatic liver diseases

₹ 133.35 incl tax

Urdiogem 300mg Tablet

Ursodeoxycholic Acid / Ursodiol (300mg) Primary uses of : Gallbladder stones, Cholestatic liver diseases

₹ 241.10 incl tax


Metadoxine (300mg) Primary uses of : Cholestatic liver diseases, Alcoholic fatty liver disease, Non-alcoholic fatty liver

₹ 0.00 incl tax