Properties Weight56 (gms) Dimensions5.5 (cm) x 4.3 (cm) x 8.5 (cm) About Yasthimadhu Tablet Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), is a purple and white flowering perennial, native to the Mediterranean region and to central and Southwest Asia. It is cultivated widely for the sweet taproot that grows to a depth of four feet. Yasthimadhu is also called sweet root as it is sweet in taste. In Sanskrit it is called yashtimadhu - ‘yashti’ meaning ‘stem, stalk; and madhu, meaning ‘sweet’. In Hindi Liquorice is known as ‘mulethi’. The root is perennial, round, long and straight, tough and fibrous. It is grayish outside and yellowish within. And its most desirable virtues lie inside of the cortical. In India, it is cultivated widely in Punjab and the sub-Himalayan tracts. The most active compound in Yasthimadhu is glycyrrhizin. The bark of the root contains about 4% of glycyrrhizin, potassium or calcium salt of the glycyrrhizinic acid. Glycyrrhizin is about 50 times sweeter than cane sugar. There are two types of Yasthimadhu, “standard” Yasthimadhu and “de-glycyrrhizinated” Yasthimadhu (DGL). Each type is suitable for different conditions. When glycyrrhizin is removed from Yasthimadhu, the product is called deglycyrrhizinated Yasthimadhu or DGL. Other components present in Yasthimadhu are antioxidants such as flavonoids, saponins, coumarins, sterols, choline, triterpenoids, lignins, amino acids including asparagine, gums, biotin, folic acid, inositol, lecithin, estrogenic substances, pantothenic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, phosphorous, pentacyclic terpenes, protein, sugar, a yellow dye, and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and E. Perhaps this is the reason for the broad range of effects Yasthimadhu has on the body. Yasthimadhu contains only traces of essential oil; constituents identified include bicyclic monterpenoid ketones (fenchone, thujone) and coumarins (herniarin, umbelliferone). Ingredient of Yasthimadhu Tablet yashtimadhu Phanta – a water infusion of licorice is used in Vamana Panchakarma procedure. Ghee prepared with licorice – yashtimadhu Ghrita is used extensively in treating peptic ulcers and gastritis. Yashtimadhu oil – is used for nasya therapy (nasal instillation) and hair application to prevent baldness, greying and to reduce hair fall.