Properties FormTablet Weight56 (gms) Dimensions5.5 (cm) x 4.3 (cm) x 8.5 (cm) About Shigru Tablet Shigru Tablet is said to be called a magician plant. As it contains almost all vitamins found in fruits and vegetables, it is helpful in around 300 diseases. It is most famously known as drumstick tree. It belongs to moringaceae family and moringa genus. It is mostly found in subtropical areas like north India. It is fast growing tree. It can grow on any kind of soil and requires very less water. Fruit, seeds and leaves all can be used for eating. Only roots are avoided because it contains a neuro-paralytic toxin. It has long drumstick like fruit, which is green in color. Its leaves are high in protein content unlike other plants. It is an evergreen deciduous tree. It has large number of health benefits and highly respected as a medicinal plant. Composition of Shigru Tablet Shigru (Moringa pterygosperma) leaf extract Medicinal Properties of Shigru Tablet Moringa (Shigru) has following healing properties. Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Immuno-modulatory Anti-cancer Aam Pachak (Detoxifier) Adaptogenic Analgesic Anthelmintic Cardiac stimulant Digestive stimulant Antirheumatic Anti-arthritic Hypertensive Anti-mutagenic Anti-stress Mucolytic Carminative Emmenagogue Anti-hyperglycemic Muscle relaxant Benefits & Uses of Shigru Tablet It provides all Vitamins Main vitamin contents of moringa oleifera are vitamin B-1, vitamin B-2, vitamin B-3, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-7, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. Vitamin A is very essential for the retina of the eye and color vision. It is also responsible for the growth hormones of the epithelial cells. Vitamin B-1 helps in converting the sugar into energy. Hence, it is important in terms maintaining cholesterol level in the blood. Main function of the vitamin B is metabolism. It metabolizes fats, amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrate, and protein. Vitamin B-3 is related with synthesis of stress hormones. Vitamin B-6 is involved in synthesis of neurotransmitter. Vitamin B-7 is very important in eradicating Parkinson’s diseases. Vitamin is one of those constituents, which are essential for the body. It helps in making immune system strong, maintaining skin and eyes. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption in the body. Calcium helps in strengthening bones and teeth. Vitamin E is essential for the oxidizing fatty acids in the blood. Vitamin K is essential for proper functioning of the liver and proper clotting of the blood. Deficiency of it will lead to continuous bleeding and liver failure that will poison the body with toxic chemicals. It helps in Muscle building Moringa oleifera is high on protein content. It contains around 9.8 grams of protein in 100 grams. Protein and amino acids are two main building block of body. Hence, anyone looking for muscle gain moringa oleifera is best thing to have in diet. There are not many green leafy vegetable which has such high protein content. This could make up around 18 percent of the daily requirement of protein. Leaves of it can be powdered and stored. They are powdered form is very good in amino acids. Treats underdeveloped lungs Another constituent of moringa oleifera is oleic acid. It is mainly found in its leaves and seeds. It is kind of monounsaturated fat. Seeds can also be used to produce seed in those areas, which is dry like Africa and Asia. According to studies, oleic acid is helpful in treating the patients with underdeveloped lungs. Oleic acid is essential for the newborn babies. It has known to have reducing effect on blood pressure and cholesterol level. Helps in digestion of food Fresh pods and leaves of moringa oleifera have heavy vitamin A content. 100 grams leave can fulfill daily requirement in one go. Vitamin A is one of those antioxidants that are fat-soluble. This vitamin A lines the colon membrane with mucus, which helps in smooth flow of food during digestion. In addition, externally it helps in maintaining skin, vision and immunity. Improves immunity Another vitamin that is found in moringa oleifera is Vitamin C. 145 micro Gram of Vitamin C is found in 100 grams. In green leaves there is 51.7 micro grams is present in every 100 grams. It is said to have reducing effect on common cold, though not proven. Consumption of Vitamin c will help in improving immunity against various diseases. It also fights against the harmful oxygen free agents in the body. Synthesizes RNA and DNA It also contains essential B- complex vitamins such as folates, niacin, pyridoxine, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid etc. Almost all of these are involved in metabolism of different components. Thiamine produces energy from carbohydrates and involved in RNA and DNA formation. Riboflavin catabolizes fatty acids. Naicin, oversees reactions which involves metabolism of fats, glucose and alcohol. These all are like co enzymes, which help in different reactions. Eliminates anemia It is a very good source of fine minerals required for the body. It contains calcium, which is important for bones and teeth. It contains iron which eliminate anemia. Moringa oleifera is very good for those patients who has anemia. It contains zinc, which is essential for hair growth, spermatogenesis, and skin maintenance. Repairs Damaged tissues It contains arginine, which produces growth hormones, which repairs the damaged tissues. It makes immune system strong against bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. Improves excretory process It also has Aspartic acid, which helps in excretory process. It produces ammonia from the waste created by cells. Avoids environment caused diseases It contains Cystine, which is powerful against radiation and pollution causing diseases. Promotes cell formation It contains Glycine, which produces oxygen required for cell formation, and forms hormones required for immune system. Sharper and healthy brain Glutamic acid is helpful for brain. It improves mental ability and healing process become faster. Tyrosine helps in transmitting impulses in nervous system, which improves memory, mental ability and alertness. Side effects of Shigru Tablet It contains spirochin, which is a dangerous nerve paralyzing toxic. It is mainly found in its root. If eaten in large quantities it may cause loose motion, upset stomach and other gastronomic issues. Pregnant women are not advised to use any product of moringa oleifera because it might lead to miscarriage. It has seen in pregnant women that by consuming it, uterus is contracted. Contraindications: Specific contraindications have not been identified. Terms and Conditions We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.