Tetanus Toxoid (0.033mg) Primary uses of : Prevention of tetanus
Diphtheria Toxoid (30IU), Tetanus Toxoid (40IU), Pertussis Toxoid (4IU), Hepatitis B Vaccine (rDNA) (10mcg), Haemophilus Type B Conjugate Vaccine (10mcg) Primary uses of : Diphtheria, Prevention of tetanus, Pertussis
Diphtheria Toxoid (30IU), Tetanus Toxoid (40IU), Pertussis Toxoid (4IU), Hepatitis B Vaccine (rDNA) (10mcg), Haemophilus Type B Conjugate Vaccine (10mcg) Primary uses of : Diphtheria, Prevention of tetanus, Pertussis
Tetanus Toxoid (40IU) Primary uses of : Prevention of tetanus
Tetanus Toxoid (40IU) Primary uses of : Prevention of tetanus