Products tagged with 'indigestion'

Lefit 50mg Tablet

Levosulpiride (50mg) Primary uses of : Indigestion

₹ 79.00 incl tax

Levazeo 100mg Tablet

Levosulpiride (100mg) Primary uses of : Indigestion

₹ 0.00 incl tax

Levazeo 12.5mg Injection

Levosulpiride (12.5mg) Primary uses of : Indigestion

₹ 54.00 incl tax


Levosulpiride (12.5mg/ml) Primary uses of : Indigestion

₹ 0.00 incl tax

Levazeo 25mg Tablet

Levosulpiride (25mg) Primary uses of : Indigestion

₹ 80.30 incl tax

Levazeo 50mg Tablet

Levosulpiride (50mg) Primary uses of : Indigestion

₹ 0.00 incl tax