Information about Allen Osteofit Tablet Pack of 2 OSTEOFIT TABLETS Indications For Osteoporosis (decreased bone strength increases the risk of a broken bone) Reduced bone mineral density leading to aches, pains, and fractures – fracture of the hip, spine & wrists. Constant pain in the neck or lower back in women post menopause and debility.
Properties FormTablet Weight85 (gms) Dimensions3.8 (cm) x 3.8 (cm) x 13 (cm) SBL Arnica Act Spray Indications of SBL Arnica Act Spray SBL’s Arnica Act Spray is formulated with well-chosen Homoeopathic medicines to stimulate body’s natural ability to quickly relieve pain in conditions of bruising, muscle soreness and stiffness caused by injuries. Handy First Aid to be kept in o First Aid kit o Sports bag, Yoga/Gym kit