Patanjali Liv Amrit Syrup, is proprietary herbal Ayurvedic medicine form Patanjali Divya Pharmacy. It is a liver tonic and indicated in liver diseases. This medicine is useful in fatty liver, Hepatitis, Loss of appetite, Anemia and jaundice. Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition and dosage.
Properties FormTablet Weight25 (gms) Dimensions9.8 (cm) x 1.8 (cm) x 4.5 (cm) About Alpha DP (Digestive Problems) For prompt and effective relief from digestive problems Controls belching, flatulence and abdominal discomfort Stops nausea/vomiting, dyspepsia and exhaustion Restores lowered vital power due to loss of fluids Useful in painful and watery diarrhoea and associated weakness