REPL Dr. Advice No.11 Acne Drop

₹ 136.00 incl tax
Indication:  Blotches and primples on face yellowish skin waxy. Yellowish white flashes of  heat to cheeks. Acne on face in young age.

Each 5 ml. Contains
Calcarea Phos  - 6 0.50 ml
Asterias  - 6x 0.50 ml
Kali Brom  - 6 0.50 ml
Carbo Ani  - 6X 0.50 ml
Arse Brom  - 6  0.50 ml
Hydrocotyle A. - Q 0.50 ml
Phos Acid -1x  0.50 ml
Berberis Aquifolium - Q 0.50 ml
Sulpur Iod  - 6X 0.50 ml
Calcarea Pic .  - 6  0.50 ml

Mode of Action:
Calcaria Phophorica 6x: Coppery face full of pimples. Acne in the face, red pimples.shooting pains on being touched.
Asterias Rubens 6x: Red, flushed face, permanent flush.
Kali Bromatum6x: Acne on face pustules, itching.
Carbo Animalis6x: Copper coloured eruption in the face. Erysiptes in the face.
Arsenicum Bromatum 6x: Acne rosacea, with violet papules on the nose.
Hydrocotyle Asiatica Q: Dry eruption intolerable itching, acne.
Phosphoric Acidum 1x: Large pimples on face. Burning pain in cheeks. Lips dry.
Berberis Aquifolium Q: Yellow skin , Blotches and pimples on face.
Sulpur Lodatum 6x: Face dry. Hot and yellowish, eryptio in upper lip.
Calcarea Picrata 6x: Prime importance in sucwring or chronic boils.

Use under medical supervision.

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