REPL Dr. Advice No.22 Bright’s Disease Drop

₹ 136.00 incl tax
Indication:Tympanites and urinary symptoms very marked. Inflammation of kidneys. Bright’s disease preceded by dropsy, strangury with bloody urine. Inflammed kidneys following any acute disease.

Each 5 ml. Contains
Arsenicum Alb. - 6X  0.50 ml
Apocynum Can  - Q  0.50 ml
Apis Mellifica  - Q  0.50 ml
Berberis Vulgaris - Q 0.50 ml
Terebinth  - 6X 0.50 ml
Cantharis  - 6X 0.50 ml
Causticum  - 6X 0.50 ml
Chimaphilla  - Q 0.50 ml
Solidago Virg. - Q  0.50 ml
Copaiva  - Q  0.50 ml

 Mode of Action
Arsenicum Album 6x: Bladder as if paralyzed, Bright’s disease.
Apocynum Cannabinum Q: Reral Dropsy. Hot urine, Burning in urethra.
Apis Mellifica Q: Last drops burn and short, scanty. High coloured.
Berberis Vulgaris Q: Pain in the thighs and loins on urinating. Sore sensation in kidneys.
Terebinthinar Oleum 6x: Violent burning drawing pain in region of kidneys. Painful erections.
Cantharis 6x: Retention of urine with cramp like pain in the bladder.
Causticum6X: Acrid and corrosive urine or path, aqueres of a deep brown or reddish colour.
Chimaphila Umbellata Q: Dysuria and retention, constant pain in region of kidneys.
Solidago Virgaurea Q: Bright’s disease clear stinking urine.
Copaiva Officinalis Q: Constant, ineffectual dssire to urine. Swelling, urine in drops.

Use under medical supervision.