REPL Dr. Advice No.46 Goitrex Drop

₹ 123.00 incl tax
Indication:  Goitrex, with sensation of constriction, Swellen submaxillary glands. Eustachian deafness, Thyroid enlarged.

Each 5 ml. Contains
Iodium  - 30X  0.25 ml
Bromium  - 30X  0.25 ml
Thyroidinum  - 30X  0.25 ml
Calcarea Carb  - 30X  0.50 ml
Calcarea Fl. - 30X  0.75 ml
Baryta Carb  - 30X  0.75 ml
Fucus Ves  - Q  2.25 ml

Mode of Action
Iodium 30x: Permanent Constriction of the gullent and impeded deglutition. Goitre.
Bromium 30x: Lachrymalis glands, inlargement of Goitre.
Thyroidinum 30x: Goitre, exophthalmic, cured. Goiter reduced.
Calcarea Carbonia 30x: Glandular swelling. Goitre swilling of gullet.
Calcarea Fluorica 30x:  Prickling, burning, suffocative sensation in throat.
Baryta Carbonica 30x: Swelling and induration of glands.
Fucus Vesiculosus Q: Goitre has been cured with it in tea spoon ful doses of the tincture given two or three times a day.

Use under medical supervision.