REPL Dr. Advice No.54 Herpes Drop

₹ 104.00 incl tax
Indication:  Vesicular eruption, with tendency to form large blisters. Acrid exudation with makes surrounding parts sore. Herpetic eruption.

Each 5 ml. Contains
Rhus Ven  - 6x  1.00 ml
Ars Alb. - 6x  0.75 ml
Ranuncul Bul. - 6x  2.00 ml
Mezerim  - 6x  0.50 ml
Variolinum  - 6  0.75 ml

Mode of Action
Rhus Venenata 6x:Redness swelling and vesicular rash on skin, Rash – like pimples much burning.
Arsenicum Album 6x:Shootings, Hot itching and violent burning in the skin.
Ranunculus Bulbosus 6x:Vesicular eruptions, like blisters after a burn, burning, itching.
Mezereum 6x:Sensitive to touch. More violent and painful.
Variolinum 6x: Petechial eruptions, Herpes.

Use under medical supervision.