REPL Dr. Advice No.55 Hepatitis Drop

₹ 104.00 incl tax
Indication:  The action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, causing soreness, pain, jaundice and hepatic disease. Covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of disease.

Each 5 ml. Contains
Chelidon  - Q  1.00 ml
Lycopodium  - 6x  0.75 ml
Chamomilla - 2x  0.50 ml
Carduus Mar. - Q  1.00 ml
Bryonia  - 6x  0.75 ml
Nat Sulphur  - 6  0.50 ml
Mag Mure  - Q  0.50 ml

Mode of Action
Chelidonium Majus Q:Shooting stitching through liver to back, Crampy pain inner age.
Lycopodium 6x:Pressure and tension in liver. Sharp pain in dorsal hepatic region.
Chamomilla 2x: Sensation of pulling and cuttings in the abdomen, with constant movement in the intestine.
Carduus Marianus Q: Liver region sensitive to pressure.
Bryonia Alba 6x: Inflammation of the liver.
Natrum Sulphuratum 6x:Painful sensitiveness of the hepatic region to the touch, during a walk.
Magnesia Muriatica Q:Tension and shooting in hepatic region, affections of hypochonodrium.

Use under medical supervision.