REPL Dr. Advice No.93 Sciatin-X Drop

₹ 123.00 incl tax
Indication: Intense pain along the sciatic nerve, membness alternates with pain, Cramps in claves of legs and feet when in bed. Rheumatic pain in ankle joints and legs. Anterior crural neuralgia.

Each 5 ml. Contains
Gnaphallium  - 30x  1.00 ml
Colocynth  - 30x  0.75 ml
Dioscoria Villosa - Q  0.75 ml
Nyctanthes  - Q 1.00 ml
Aesculus Hipp. - 6x  0.50 ml
Viscum Alb. - Q  1.00 ml

Mode of Action
Gnaphalium 30x: Sitting in a chair, Intense pain along sciatica nerve, Numbness occasionally talking the place of sciatic pains.
Colocynthis 30x: Pain extending into anterior muscles of thigh, Severe pains in inside of legs.
Dioscoria Villosa Q: Tearing pains in the hip, leg from pint of exist of sciatic nerve.
Nyctanthes Q: Sciatica pains, wors at night.
Aesculus Hippocastanum 6x: Paralytic feelings in legs, and spine, Legs so weak she hardly walk,
Viscum Album Q: Cases in sciatica- In same winter suddenly felt a violent pain.

Use under medical supervision.