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Dr. Reckeweg Arnica Mont ...

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Arnica Mont Dilution 200 CH Arnica and its extracts have been widely used in folk and homeopathic medicine as a treatment for acne, boils, bruises, rashes, sprains, pains, and other wounds. Overall, there does not appear to be sufficient evidence to support the use of arnica as an anti-inflammatory or analgesic agent, or to prevent bruising; however, heterogeneity of doses and delivery forms. Homeopathic uses included the treatment of surgical or accidental trauma, as an analgesic, and in the treatment of postoperative thrombophlebitis and pulmonary emboli. It has been used externally for acne, bruises, sprains and muscle aches. In addition, it has been used as a general topical counterirritant and a CNS stimulant, as well as an antibacterial for abrasions and gunshot wounds. Arnica is also an ingredient in hair tonics, dandruff treatments, perfumes, and cosmetics.

₹ 124.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg Cholesterinu...

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Cholesterinum Trituration Tablet 3X CHOLESTERINUM TRITURATION TABLET This homeopathic remedy is prepared from cholesterine found in egg yolk, blood, brain, bile, seeds and buds of plant. It is indicated for the following condition- Abdomen Liver cancer and liver enlargement. Burning pain so much so that he needs to hold on to the side of abdomen while walking. Jaundice Excellent remedy for colicky pain in abdomen due to Gall stone. Pain cannot touch the abdomen and is more on lying on sides. Eye Liquid in the inside of the eye becomes opaque, leading to loss of vision Dose- 4 tablets of Cholesterinum twice a day each day for 3 months unless otherwise prescribed by physicians. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines. Precautions Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

₹ 191.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg Nux Vomica D...

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Nux Vomica Dilution 30 CH NUX VOMICA DILUTION One of the first remedies for all types of chronic illnesses, Nux Vomica is prepared from the Poison-nut. A very important remedy for all sorts of lifestyle diseases and habits. Suited to nevous, perfectionist Good for those who take a lot of mental stress, work prolonged hours in the office, overstudying students, business workers. Excellent remedy for tobacco deaddiction and other stimulants Mind Extremely irritable and sensitive to all types of noise, smells and light Keeps on complaining and finding fault in others Cannot bear noises, odors, light Time passes too slowly. Even the least ailment affects her greatly Head Vertigo with temporary blackouts. Headaches when going out in the sun. Headache starts because of extensive coughing. Frontal headache, with desire to press the head against something Congestive headache, associated with h?morrhoids Nose Stuffy colds, snuffles, after exposure to dry, cold atmosphere; worse, in warm room. Odors tend to produce fainting. Coryza: fluent in daytime; stuffed up at night and outdoors; or alternates between nostrils Good remedy for colds and blocked noses that worsen at night Stomach Works well for nausea and vomiting, eating a very spicy and pungent diet, acidity. Sour taste, and nausea in the morning, after eating. Weight and pain in stomach; worse, eating, some time after. Region of stomach very sensitive to pressure Dyspepsia from drinking strong coffee. Difficult belching of gas. Wants to vomit, but cannot. Stool Pain when trying to pass stools , piles, constipation, unsatisfactory stools. Frequent ineffectual desire, or passing but small quantities at each attempt. Alternate constipation and diarrh?a-after abuse of purgatives Dysentery; stools relieve pains for a time. Constant uneasiness in rectum Female Good for females whose periods are always irregular, black and painful. Sleep Can help to improve sleep , suited to those taking short naps. Cannot sleep after 3 am until towards morning; awakes feeling wretchedly. Drowsy after meals, and in early evening Better after a short sleep, unless aroused Dose- As prescribed by physician. Can be taken along with other allopathic medicines. Side effects: None Precautions Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

₹ 105.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg R53 Acne Vul...

Information about Dr. Reckeweg R53 Acne Vulgaris and Pimples Drop DR. RECKEWEG R53 Acne Vulgaris and Pimples INDICATIONS Acne vulgaris, pimples, suppurative diseases of the skin, eczema and dermatitis. MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: Acne vulgaris and pimples occur at the age of puberty, when there is insufficient activity of the germinal glands. For this reason the use of extracts and triturations of Placenta is appropriate, on account of its regenerative action on the conjunctive tissues and its effect of excitation on the germinal glands. The other ingredients, such as Bromum and bromine salt have a selective and antagonistic effect, according the law of ARNDT-SCHULZ in diseases of the skin. Juglans: Specific against acne, especially on the faces of young girls. Pimple and comedones. Ledum has a specific effect in suppurative rashes. Hepar sulfur acts in suppurative comedomes Natrium chloratum acts specifically when acne is restricted to the scalp. Viola tricolor: Miliaria, pustules with crust formation and papules over the whole body, especially on the face and ears. Strong itching. Blood purification agent. DOSAGE - 3 times daily 10-15 drops in a little water before meals - In acute suppuration and inflammation the same dose every 1-2 hours. - In order not to impede the effect of the present remedy it will be of paramount importance to avoid toxicating nutrition, especially bacon, ham, sausages of any kind and pork. These substances promote the formation of pus and acne. Even a small slice of sausage may have an injurious effect upon the efficacy of the present preparation.

₹ 201.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg Selenium Tri...

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Selenium Trituration Tablet 3X SELENIUM METALLICUM TRITURATION TABLET Selenium metallicum is a mineral which when homeopathically prepared has a marked action on elderly men with sexual and urinary complaints. Weakness after illnesses Depression Easy fatigue after physical and mental exertion Male Hydrocele Passage of semen during sleep. Increased sexual desire and fancies with impotency Irritability after sexual intercourse Penis relaxed during sexual act Urine Involuntary dribbling(enlarged prostate) Sensation of painful drop of urine in the tip of urethra trying to come out Head Pain in tea drinkers Pain over left eye Throat Voice hoarseness of singers Morning cough with transparent lumpy or bloody phlegm Stomach Sweet taste in mouth Burping and hiccoughs after smoking Craves - brandy Liver painful, enlarged, with fine rash over liver region Skin Itching about the ankles ,folds of skin, between fingers, palms Hair falls out from eyebrows, beard, scalp ,genitals Acne, blackheads,white heads, oily skin Pulsations over abdomen- preventing sleep Dose- 4 tablets of Selenium twice a day each day for 3 months unless otherwise prescribed by physicians. Can be taken along with allopathic medicines. Precautions Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing. Side effects- none reported

₹ 187.00 incl tax

Dr. Reckeweg Yohimbinum M...

Information about Dr. Reckeweg Yohimbinum Mother Tincture Q YOHIMBINUM MOTHER TINCTURE This homeopathic remedy is prepared from the bark of the Coryanthe Yohimbe tree .It is best suited for the following indication Sexuality It is a Sexual stimulant.(aphrodisiac) Remedy to treat impotence. Produces long lasting erections in men In women it causes the milk to flow for breast feeding. Insomnia due to thoughts of whole past life. Bleeding piles Dose-15 drops of Yohimbinum mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice a day until symptoms disappear or as prescribed by physician. It can be taken along with allopathy medicines. Precautions Not to be given in complaints of abdominal organs. Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine. Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

₹ 292.00 incl tax