Saneuron M 75mg Capsule

Pregabalin (75mg) Primary uses of : Seizures, Neuropathic pain
Manufacturer: Sanat Products Ltd
₹ 84.00 incl tax
Expert advice for Saneuron M Capsule Saneuron M 75 mg Capsule should be taken at the same time every day to maintain consistent levels in your body. Do not stop using Saneuron M 75 mg Capsule without talking to your doctor, even if you feel better. It causes sleepiness or drowsiness. If this happens to you, do not drive or use machinery. Avoid consuming alcohol when taking the Saneuron M 75 mg Capsule, as it may cause excessive sleepiness or drowsiness. Inform your doctor if you experience any eye sight change while taking Saneuron M 75 mg Capsule. Inform your doctor if you have ever been diagnosed with any heart problems (high blood pressure, heart attack, heart failure, slow or irregular heart rate). Inform your doctor if you have ever been diagnosed with kidney or liver problems. Notify your doctor if you have rapid swelling of the lips, tongue, and throat that may affect breathing.
Composition Pregabalin (75mg)
Potentially Unsafe With Alcohol
Side Effect Common Side Effects of Saneuron M are Sleepiness, Dizziness, Uncoordinated body movement, Fatigue.
How to works How Saneuron M Capsule works Saneuron M 75 mg Capsule is an antiepileptic medication. It decreases pain and seizures by modulating calcium channel activity of the nerve cells.