Mestilon Tablet

Mesterolone (25mg) Primary uses of : Male hypogonadism
Manufacturer: Sanzyme Ltd
₹ 163.50 incl tax
Expert advice for Mestilon Tablet Do not take the medicine, if you are allergic to it or to any other content in the medicine.Avoid using mesterolone, if you have prostate cancer or prone to have prostate cancer; or If you have a liver tumor.Do visit your doctor immediately, if you experience abdominal pain that does not go away as mesterolone may cause certain benign tumors.Do not take mesterolone for body building, exercising or increasing muscle mass.
Composition Mesterolone (25mg)
Side Effect Common Side Effects of Mestilon are Acne, Hot flashes, Injection site pain, Weight gain, Prostate enlargement, Increased red blood cells.
How to works How Mestilon Tablet works Mestilon Tablet is similar to the natural male hormone testosterone.