Tonsilllitis, sore throat, pharyngitis.
Mercurius iodatus - 6x: It is an excellent general remedy for tonsillitis, when there is inflammation and pain in the tonsils, worse right tonsil.
Belladonna - 6x: Tonsils enlarged; throat feels constricted; difficult deglutition; worse, liquids. Sensation of a lump. Spasms in throat. Continual inclination to swallow. Scraping sensation.
Kali Muriaticum - 6x: Tonsils inflamed; enlarged so much, can hardly breathe. Greyish patches or spots in the throat and tonsils.
Ferrum Phosphoricum - 6x: Ulcerated sore throat. Tonsils red and swollen. Sore throat of singers.
Baryta Carbonica - 12x: Submaxillary glands and tonsils swollen. Takes cold easily, with stitches and smarting pain. Quinsy. Suppurating tonsils from every cold. Tonsils inflamed, with swollen veins.
Exciplents q.s. to 1 tablet of 250mg
Dosage/Directions for use:
1 tablet every three hours.
Terms and Conditions
We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.