The tablet is effective especially on air circulation in blood vessels and kidney, semen carrying blood vessels. This is Vata shamak (air pacifier), strength and enhancer of semen. By taking this drug, Swapnadosh, Gonorrhea, leukorrhea, etc. diseases can be prevented. It contains all the virtues of shilaajeet.
Manufacturer: DIVYA
₹ 35.00 incl tax


This medicine improves the sexual performance of the men.
Males suffering from premature ejaculation are empowered with energy and get rid of this problem.
Low libido can also be improved by using this medicine evenly.
Impotent men should take Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati.
Strength can be regained with its regular use.
Quality and quantity of sperms can be improved with this medicine.
Supply of blood to the sexual organs can be increased with it.
Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati acts like a powerful sexual tonic.
Bones can be strengthened with its even use.
Users of this medicine are at no risk as it contains the natural herbal ingredients.
Respiratory problems can be set aright with Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati that improves digestion too.
Heart muscles get energized with its use.
This product empowers the immune system.
Pain and swelling can be got rid of with its use.
Kidney problems can also be controlled with it.
It is helpful to maintain overall health of the body.
It is useful for the nervous system.
Channels carrying semen are also strengthened with its use.
Those suffering from night fall problems are advised to take it.
Urinary disorders and diabetes can be treated effectively with it.
It is good to cure leucorrhoea.

How to Use
Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati is beneficial for too many kind of problems & health issues but majority of Vaid & doctor suggest to take this for the following problems.

Physical Weakness
Masculine Weakness
Erectile Dysfunction
Premature Ejaculation
Stress and anxiety

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